Hi All,
All my years unprotected in the sun it was inevitable that skin cancer finally catch up with me. With a family history and many days of my youth in the Sun. Mostly wearing a bikini with oil instead of sunscreen.
With a small patch of pink skin on my shoulder I didn't take too much notice. I thought it was a scar from my many accidents on my mountain bike or sports injury from my many dangerous games of squash. My mother did not like the look of it and mentioned to get it checked with my doctor. Nearly a year later, finally I happened to ask Dr Tay what it was and he didn't like the look either.
So off to the skin specialist. He thought maybe a scar that had been re damaged, so I still was not worried at all. After a biopsy it was found to be skin cancer. A bit of a worry now as it has been there for over a year and the size of a Singapore 50 cent piece. So liquid nitrogen at a double dose with another check to make sure it is all clear in March. If not maybe an operation with an ugly scar.
So stay out of the sun especially between 11am and 3pm if possible. While a little sun is healthy too much can be life threatening. If you have to be in the sun for long periods or during the most dangerous hours wear a hat, clothing and sunscreen. Follow the directions on the sunscreen or it may not be effective.
Last check up May I have an all clear. So have to go back again in another 3 months